M-Files Creates The Smarter Way to Work.

Eliminate information chaos. Improve process efficiency and accuracy. Reduce business risk.

M-Files' knowledge work automation platform empowers knowledge workers to:

Eliminate information chaos.

Improve process efficiency and accuracy.

Reduce business risk.

KWA Architecture

M-Files: Innovative metadata-driven architecture

It’s all about context: The What, not the Where

  • Unlike unconnected folder systems, M-⁠Files’ metadata-⁠driven platform helps attach vital information to the right business process.
  • Context–centered tools allow users to know precisely what any specific file or document is and its relationship to other data.
  • Users can then automate business rules and control visibility, editing rights, review and approval protocols, retention, and more.

How metadata works

  • Traditionally, information is stored within a folder structure—a static, information-⁠modeling system that requires non-⁠intuitive, tedious navigation.
  • Knowledge workers can locate the same information using a variety of methods, depending on their specific needs.
  • M-⁠Files attaches the information model (metadata) directly into the document, replacing a traditional file path with a streamlined system that doesn’t require folders.
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The power of context

  • With M‑Files, information always stays within the correct context. Automatic or manual metadata tagging allows users to:
    • Find the right information quickly.
    • Discover related information easily.
    • Access the most applicable information.
    • Organize information according to relevant criteria.
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Comprehensive integration

  • M‑Files integrates with most common line-⁠of-⁠business applications, as well as various content repositories, including network folders, SharePoint, and legacy content management solutions.

    Discover more about M-⁠Files’ integration capabilities.

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Connect with us today

Learn how to harness the power of M‑Files’ metadata-⁠driven document management platform.

Connect with us today

Learn how to harness the power of M‑Files’ metadata-⁠driven document management platform.